劇場搏劇場(簡稱「劇搏」)自2013年起以『接駁,拼搏,放手一搏』為概念,對劇場的前瞻性及可能性作探討;每年邀約各界藝術創作人,展演實驗劇場作品,為澳門劇壇帶來新衝擊。去年連結澳門慕拉士大馬路一帶的小劇場一起舉辦,承繼去年串聯民營小劇場的概念,重點介紹了「慕拉士戲劇村」。今年更是擴大範圍,將「觀音仔區」、「連勝街」、「提督馬路」及「漁翁街」四個小區不同的藝文空間連線,總共有8個民營空間,包括現場音樂協會、寶豐工業大廈、牛房倉庫、曉角藝術中心、風盒址、足跡實驗小劇場、葡人之家及曉角實驗室,透過凝聚民間文化資源,實現以點連線,連線成面,再與社區分享及連結海外網絡。除此之外,還使用2個公營空間澳門文化中心及舊法院大樓黑盒劇場 。
結合民間力量的「劇搏」,由「自家劇場」、「小城實驗劇團」及「點象藝術協會」聯合主辦,並由本澳多個民間團體協辦,包括曉角話劇研進社、戲劇農莊、澳門音樂力量及滾動傀儡另類劇場。「劇搏」除為創作人提供創作空間,更讓本澳市民認識本地的藝文場所,「劇場」並非遙不可及,而就在巷弄間且平易近人;為本地社區營造更富活力的文化氛圍;透過集結民間及地區力量,打造更能持續發展的藝文生態。 |
BOK Festival has since 2013 taken the concept of “interconnection, working hard and fighting with all you’ve got” and explored the possibilities and forward-looking nature of theatre, inviting every year artists from all circles and showcasing works of experimental theatre, bringing new shockwaves to the theatre world in Macau. Last year we introduced “Morais Theatre Village”, adopting the idea of establishing ties between small private theatres and connecting several theatres from the Avenida de Venceslau de Morais area. This year, the scope is even wider, linking four places: the Kun Iam Tchai Temple area, Estrada de Coelho do Amaral, Avenida do Almirante Lacerda and Rua dos Pescadores, in a total of 8 privately-run performance spaces. Those include Pou Fong Industrial Building, LIVE Music Association, Ox Warehouse, Hiu Kok Theatre, Wind Box Community, Step Out Small Experimental Theatre, Casa de Portugal and Hiu Kok Lab. Through concentrated non-governmental cultural resources, links are established and the community is connected to the global network. Apart from this, two state-owned spaces will also be featured, namely Macao Cultural Centre and Black Box Theatre at Old Court Building.
BOK Festival is the result of a union between several non-governmental entities. It is organized by Own Theatre, Macau Experimental Theatre and Point View Art Association, with the help of several non-governmental groups from Macau, including Hiu Kok Theatre, Theatre Farmers, Macau Music Power and Rolling Puppet Alternative Theatre. BOK Festival, apart from providing local artists with a platform for artistic innovation, also introduces the Macau public to the local arts spaces in community, proving that the “theatre” is not something out of reach, and can be just around the corner in the most common and approachable of spaces. It builds a more vibrant artistic atmosphere for the local community, contributing for the sustainable development of the artistic environment through the union between non-governmental and local forces. |