Since 2013, BOK Festival explores the prospection and potential of theatre with ideas of connect, strive and fight. We expect new impacts coming along with the novel theatre works by artists from all disciplines of art. BOK Festival is 5 years old in 2017. This year, we focus on the audience dynamics. We need more dynamic audiences in theatre, more nonverbal and nonliteral interaction. Apart from staying in darkness to watch, weep, giggle, audiences could and do imagine, move, participate even intrude in theatre works. Walking out of theatre is certainly included in their options as well. This, is how the audience dynamics forms.
所有門票於5月3日00:00起透過「網上售票平台 eticks」網上預訂。
Tickets can be booked from 00:00 on 3 May through eticks
搏上實驗室 BOK LAB |
地點 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
舊法院大樓黑盒劇場 |
20:00 |
21:15 |
地點 |
1 |
2 |
舊法院大樓黑盒劇場 |
20:00 |
15:00 |
20:00 |
地點 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
藝術花園 |
17:20, 17:40, 18:00, 18:20, 18:40, 19:00, 19:20, 19:40, 20:00 21:00, 21:20, 21:40, 22:00 |
神袐 Unknown |
19:00, 21:30 |
14:30, 17:00, 24:00 |
14:30, 17:00 |
舊法院大樓黑盒劇場 |
20:00 |
15:00 |
非常一搏BOK Festival 在去年開展「非常一搏」系列,作為work in progress新的試驗平台,邀請不同領域的藝術家將「概念種子」萌生成表演現場,在充滿未知、以過程導向的階段性創作中,發表另類、個性化的劇場表演作品。
Give it a ShotBOK started Give it a Shot program last year as a try-out platform for work in progress pieces. The artists from different disciplines were encouraged to present and develop their original concepts or ideas here. At this phase of research with unknown and experiment are highly involved, Give it a Shot demonstrated the process as innovative and personalized theatre works.
搏上實驗室 |
「搏上實驗室」是從「非常一搏」發展而成的 2.0 集成系列,計劃讓作品扺達更確切的在場體驗。透過內部評論、文化研究、表演深化,將觀念與呈現作進一步演進,至完成度更高的創作。並逐步透過探索性、跨越性等特質的梳理,構成一個根植本土的當代劇場脈絡。
BOK LAB is actually Give it a Shot 2.0. The idea is to complete and evolve theatre pieces by internal criticising, cultural studying, and performance intensifying. Furthermore, it is expected to systematically to explore and transcend the theatre characteristics in order to construct a contemporary theatre context in Macau.
CrossibitionBOK Festival shows international programs in Crossibition every year. We are not select mater pieces but definitely are mature experimental theatre works in terms of content, medium and the ways of seeing for audiences. This year we invite three pieces from different cities in Asia. Their performances either challenge the space or your senses since audiences’ experiences in theatre is valued the most for all these three companies.