你闖入了別人的世界嗎? 還是你也被困住了呢? 這是一個360度全景拍攝的舞蹈作品,展開了從X和Y作為好奇的闖入者,逐漸過渡至被觀察的囚禁者的過程。《眼眶》是一個將戲劇手法轉化至VR內容創作的舞蹈影像作品,通過同時為舞者和全景相機設計動作軌跡,探索了VR體驗中的注意力引導。 一次從空間和舞蹈角度出發的觀演實驗, 沒有6度自由,不用遊戲引擎,在虛擬現實中的語言 探索。 |
Who are you, as an audience in Or Bit?
Are you breaking into someone else's world? Or are you trapped as well? Or Bit is a 360 degrees dance film that gradually unveils the transition of X and Y from curious explorers to the trapped objects of observation. It applies theatre-making methods to VR creation. Sophisticated movement designs are made for performers and a 360 degrees camera to explore attention direction in an immersive environment. A bold creation about space and movement. An artist-led exploration into the language of virtual reality. |
章達明 XR內容創作者,研究型藝術家。章達明畢業於中央戲劇學院舞台設計專業,獲 博士學位。主攻視覺戲劇和裝置表演方向,參與大量藝術及商業活動的編導及 空間視覺設計。其創作植根於戲劇和視覺藝術,並於2018年延伸至XR(擴展現實)和現場藝術的交叉領域。同年發起並創作VR(虛擬現實)舞蹈影像作品 《眼眶》受到多個海外電影節選片人的關注與青睞。 2020年2月獲英國文化教 育協會中英文化連線項目支持,出訪英國考察當地XR產業生態。
曾就職於上海當代藝術博物館,現任教於中國計量大學藝術與傳播學院。 |
Daming Zhang XR creator and research-oriented artist. Daming graduated from the Central Academy of Drama (China) with a doctorate degree in Scenography. Specializing in visual theatre and installation, Daming has extensive experience in art and commercial activities as writer-director and visual designer. Since 2018, Daming has been exploring the research and artistic practice of XR (AR/VR/MR) from a theatrical perspective. Daming's first VR dance film Or Bit received much attention and appreciation from various international film festival programmers. In February 2020, Daming visited the UK to examine its XR industry as the recipient of the 2020 British Council's UK-China Connections through Culture Grant.
Previously worked at the Power Station of Art in Shanghai (Shanghai Biennale) and is now Lecturer at the School of Art and Communication of China Jiliang University. |