演出地點:海事工房2號 門票:MOP 140 演出語言:粵語、國語 16歲或以上人士適合觀看 |
The length of the show is about 40 minutes.
Venue: Navy Yard No.2 Tickets: MOP 140 Performance language: Cantonese, Mandarin Suitable for those aged 18 or over |
在電影裡,組合的情節讓人流下眼淚;合成的音樂,播送在每間商店裡;網路上說過的幾句話,決定了一個人的人格,我們是我們所不是的人。吃著被拆開後再重組的食物,做著看不到全貎的流水工作,服用種種轉瞬即逝的資料與感受,共享記憶、共享流浪的路途、共享憤怒與快樂的理由,所有的一切正解離著,遺忘成為我們共同的基因。 《半離體》為階段延展式創作(work in progress),其前一階段的作品《迴路》於本年一月在孵化項目「非常一搏 Give it a shot」中呈現,其暗黑、嗜虐的風格,帶來難以言喻的官能刺激,挑戰觀眾的底線。 |
Streaming SteamJust like an era where semiconductors are combined, we live a life that half of it has left our body.
Movies make people cry with their twisted plots. Synthesized music plays at every shop. The words you say online will be labelled as your personality. All these make us become what we are not. We eat foods that are unpacked and re-assembled again, and do assembly line type jobs without seeing the whole production picture. We consume a large amount of transient information and feelings, sharing the same memory, the same roaming routes and the same reasons for anger and joy. Everything is dissociating, as forgetfulness becomes our shared DNA. Streaming Steam is a “work in progress” and its first piece, The Loop was presented in the incubation project “Give It a Shot” in January, 2019 challenging people’s bottom line with the incredible sensory excitement brought by its dark and sadistic style. |
澳門/台灣詩人及音樂製作人,曾為多位現代文學作者、劇場、多媒體作品展、紀錄片及電影配樂或製作音樂聯乘作品。多次獲得澳門文學獎──新詩組別獎項,並出版個人詩集《拔骨劑》及個人音樂專輯《逾紗之軀 The veil of nihility》。
S, Lao Kin MengBorn in Macao, Lao studied and lives in Taiwan.
A poet and music producer in Macao and Taiwan, Lao has been writing scores for modern literature, theatres, multi-media exhibitions, documentaries and movies in addition to music crossovers. He is a multi-winner of the Macao Literary Award in
the Modern Poetry category. Lao has published a collection of poems and released a music album, The Veil of Nihility. |
Lan Ko FangLan was born, studied and lives in Taiwan.
She graduated from the Department of Chinese Literature, TungHai University. Lan combines texts and dance in her performance, as she thinks that communication is very difficult using one single channel. She was an actress and the playwright-
director of What You Can’t Get Becomes a Desire, a poetic theatre piece. Lan has won awards at the Literature and Arts Awards of the Ministry of Education in bTaiwan and the Sulfur Creek Literature Awards. |
演員/舞者/製作協力:藍舸方 燈光設計:杜國康 音響設計:區仲明 音響執行:黃景業 舞台管理:米製作 執行舞台監督:湯詩敏 *作品為孵化項目「非常一搏Give it a shot」之第二階段呈現。 |
Director/Performance/Music/Set desinger:S, Lao Kin Meng
Performance/Dance/Co-producer:Lan Ko Fang Lighting Designer: To Kuok Hong Sound Engineer: Ao Chong Meng Duty Sound Engineer: Wong Keng Ip Stage Management: MIIS production Duty Stage Management: Sarah Tong *The work is a second presentation of the incubation project 'Give it a shot.' |