後疫情時代中,難免產生很多不可抗力因素,這是全球人類都面臨的問題。主創人兼影像設計OS經歷完上一階段作品《振盪》後,從過往的海量影像整理出一些詞彙,同時反思作為影像創作者除了為別人拍攝,更應該有更多個人的創作和思考。這次作品會以全新的影像創作,以內心世界出發。 搭檔澳門獨立電子音樂廠牌RED OR BLUE主理人ZARAH的現場電子音樂演出,試圖在劇場裡創造一個異空間,讓觀眾一同感受每個當下的思緒。 |
Life is like a party, which starts and ends with happiness and sorrow. The audience is invited to join the party and indulge in the moment.
The whole human race is facing force majeure in the post-pandemic era. Having finished the previous production Oscillator, creator and visual designer OS reflected on his work and concluded that visual creators should put in more personal ideas and creativities in the works. This production is a brand new visual creation about his inner world. OS will construct an alternate dimension in the theatre with ZARAH from the local indie music label RED OR BLUE, and invite the audience to feel the moment. |
柯智偉 OSWEI 獨立影像工作者 2015畢業於台灣大葉大學,修讀視覺傳達設計系影像專業。 於同年創立OSSO映像。 回澳後參與《骨妹》、《那一年,我17》、《無聊戲》、《非法者》等多部本土電影製作。 2017年開始接觸劇場影像創作,曾參與澳門國際音樂節、澳門藝術節 澳門城市藝穗節等多個大型製作。 2020年開始創作跨界作品《1991》、BOK Festival 搏劇場多媒體實驗影像作品《振盪 Oscillator》以及人類觀察 – 多媒體藝術展,試圖運用影像與聲音製造更多的可能性。
ZARAH RED OR BLUE主理人成長於九十年代的ZARAH,其音樂風格深受Detroit Techno 和一眾如Jeff Mills,Robert Hood, DJ Stingray, DVS1等藝術家的影響,迷幻緊湊而有力的聲音是他最好的解說。不拘一格的選曲,Techno, Acid, Breaks, Electro都會一直貫穿在他的混音中。他對音樂始終擁有謙遜的態度,追求高品質音色的堅持,亦令 ZARAH逐漸形成了其辦識度極高的音樂風格。2018年以本名ZARAH成立獨立音樂組織RED OR BLUE,主力推廣高品質音樂的派,及後亦受本土Techno組織Asylum的邀請,成為成員之一,ZARAH的另一身分是澳門著名低音團隊樂極生BASS其中一員Django。活躍於香港、大陸等地,足跡遍佈北京Lantern、上海Portent、44KW,成都TAG等指標性俱樂部。 |
OS Wei Independent film practitioner. OS obtained a degree from the Department of Visual Communication Design of Da-yeh University in Taiwan in 2015; in the same year, he founded the OSSO Film. He involved in the production of several local films including Sisterhood, Our Seventeen, The Age of Hangover and Illegalist. In 2017, he started to take part in theatre video production and has since participated in the production of programmes for the Macao International Music Festival, Macao Arts Festival and Macao City Fringe Festival. His recent works and projects include 1991, Oscillator at the BOK Festival, and Human Observation – Os Wei Multimedia Art Exhibition, which explore artistic possibilities with images and sound.
ZARAH Who grew up in the 90s, has a style which is deeply influenced by Detroit Techno artists: such as Jeff Mills, Robert Hood, DJ Stingray, DVS1, etc. Psychedelic, compact, packed and powerful sound is the answer to his style. With an eclectic music selection; Techno, Acid, Breaks, Electro will always run through his mix. By always having humble attitude to music and the desire of pursuing of high-quality timbre, ZARAH has gradually form his highly acquainted style. In 2018, ZARAH founded the music organization RED OR BLUE, the aim was to organize high-quality music parties. They had held more than ten events in the first year of its establishment. Later, he was invited by another local Techno organization Asylum as a member. ZARAH is also a member of a bassline team in Macau; ECSTATIC BASS under the name DJANGO. Which is active in Hong Kong, mainland China and other cities. |