一個表演藝術平台能伸延到哪? BOK 不止步於演出,你可以透過不同的渠道得到更多的「劇場體驗」,參加者與創作者的距離,你可以在 BOK Club 跟表演者把酒對談,可以留意「及時劇評」深化討論,可以參加 BOK talks 了解不同的藝術宣言
還有更多的「可以」,等你來發掘。 |
The constantly extending BOK Plus: How far can a performing arts platform extend? BOK never limits itself to presenting performances. Here, you can get more ‘theatrical experience’ through different channels, bringing participants closer to creatives: you can chat with performers at the BOK Club while sipping wine; you can follow the in-depth discussions in ‘Instant Theatre Reviews’, or participate in ‘BOK talks’ to understandvarious artistic declarations, and you can....
Well, there are plenty of ‘you can’ awaiting you! |
「劇搏」和本地餐飲公司 Mugs 合作,舉辦每晚演後特設的 BOK Club 環節,作為節內觀眾及參節藝術家的交流聚會。在 BOK Club Special 中更邀請澳門的 DJ 或音樂人作現場表演,還可以憑 BOK 演出門票以優惠價格購買 Mugs 飲品。
Local company Mugs will support BOK Festival to have BOK Club as the meeting point for audiences and artists after shows. Live Macau DJs or music performances will be invited in BOK Club Special and special discount for Mugs drinks with any show ticket of BOK Festival.
BOK Talks 是自由分享及接駁想法的地方,邀請不同範疇的藝術工作者,發表他們的實踐理念、藝術宣言等。今年更深入藝術家的私人工作室,私密分享不同想法,產生碰撞及連結,營造一個更多元共融的藝術社區。
BOK Talks is where welcomes different ideas and sharing, we invite many art一practitioners to present their ideals and manifestos of art. This year, we go into the artist’s private studio, by sharing and linking various thoughts, a more diverse and inclusive arts community is expected to form.
及時評論 X 評地
BOK Festival 連續第六年與澳門劇場文化學會「升評運動」合作,參與的藝評人將於觀劇後在劇評網站「評地」發表相關劇評。
TIMELY REVIEWS X CRITICS PROJECTFor the 6th year in a row, BOK works with Critics project of Macao Theatre Culture Institute to release reviews after shows.
BOK Festival 邀請撰稿人與今年參節的創作人就作品主題及呈現方式進行互動交流,以「文字」的方式與劇場作品進行「平行」創作,並且將於演出前發佈「平行寫作」的文章,延續更多劇場論述的可能性。
PARALLEL WRITINGBOK Festival invites writers to interact with the creators of performances this year by making literal pieces according to the same subject and presenting ways of the performances. These parallel writings will be released before the shows. It aims to extend and explore more possibilities of theatre discussion.
bpM 是一個聲音藝術+閱讀計劃的專策,將不定期在工作室和主題空間內,邀請現場音樂人及文字工作者,創建一個能供集體閱讀文字圖像、聆聽聲音的場域,用音樂(Music)、書本(Book)連結人群(People)。第一站將到边度有書,節目詳情請留意網站內公佈。
bpM is a Sound Art features of Reading programme. It will invite musicians and writer from time to time in the studio or some spots, to create a field for group reading and listening to music. Connecting People with Music and Books. The first round will collaborate with Pin-to Livros & Musica, more details will pop up in website.