bpM 是一個聲音藝術+閱讀計劃的專策,將不定期在工作室和主題空間內,邀請現場音樂人及文字工作者,創建一個能供集體閱讀文字圖像、聆聽聲音的場域,用音樂(Music)、書本(Book)連結人和場域的顫動(Pulse)。
第一場bpM將由本地著名詩人袁紹珊帶領,以「海洋」及「時間」為主題,配合4位音樂人的現場演譯與參與者文本朗讀進行聲音拼貼。同場加映以詩人袁紹珊詩作為靈感,加入北冰洋海鹽釀成的手工酸啤tasting,絕對限量。 閲讀 x 音樂提案: 2021.8.1 (sun) 17:00 閲讀主題 Theme:海洋 Ocean 音樂:呂瀚章|現代即興 + 福島章嗣|電子 2021.8.7 (sat) 21:00 閲讀主題 Theme:時間 Time 吳家煒|模組氛圍 + 陳倩|當代古典 . 地點 Venue 後牛房實驗場 Post-Ox Warehouse Experimental Site . 票價 Ticket:自由定價 Pay What You Want 節目長度 Length of Program:90min (每場共2 組,每組設25分鐘閱讀時段及20分鐘交流時段; 2 sets in each program, including 25min reading and 20min sharing time for each set) 節目主要語言 Language:廣東話 Cantonese - 報名前請細閱: 1.觀眾需攜帶一本與主題有關的自選書籍/詩集/文學出席參加。 2.參加者可選擇一個適舒的位置安靜閱讀你帶來的書籍/詩集/文學,或走到特定區域自由朗讀帶來的書籍/詩集/文學。 3.為免打擾其他參與者,演出須將手機調成靜音或關機狀態。 |
bpM is a Sound Art features of Reading programme. It invites musicians and writer from time to time in the studio or some spots, to create a field for group reading and listening to music. Connecting Pulse with Music and Books.
The first bpM will be led by renowned local poet Ms Un Sio San with live music performed by four musicians. Featuring tasting & sharing session of craft beer made from Arctic sea salt collected by Un Sio San. Reading x music theme: 2021.8.1 (sun) 17:00 Theme: Ocean Hugo Loi (modern improvisation) + Akitsugu Fukushima (electronic) 2021.8.7 (sat) 21:00 Theme:Time Ng Ka Wai (modular ambient) + Vincci Chan (contemporary classical) Please read carefully before registering: 1. The audience should bring a book/poem/literary of their choice related to the theme to attend the event. 2. Participants can choose a comfortable place to quietly read the books/poems/literature you bring, or go to a specific area to read out the lines of books/poems/literature that you would like to share. 3. In order not to disturb other participants, the mobile phone must be muted or turned off during the program. |
袁紹珊 詩人、作家,北京大學中國文學及藝術學雙學士、多倫多大學東亞及亞太研究雙碩士。曾任「北極圈藝術計劃」及美國佛蒙特創作中心駐村藝術家。多年來致力推動詩歌與各類藝術形式的跨界合作,執導紀錄片《冰山一覺》,並任澳門首部本土原創室內歌劇《香山夢梅》作詞人。曾獲台灣「時報文學獎新詩首獎」、「首屆人民文學之星詩歌大獎」、「美國亨利.魯斯基金會華語詩歌獎」、「澳門文學獎」、「海子詩歌獎提名獎」、首屆「創世紀現代詩獎」等十多個獎項。已出版《愛的進化史》、《Wonderland》、《太平盛世的形上流亡》、《喧鬧的島嶼》、《拱廊與靈光》等多部詩集及雜文集,被評論者喻為「使空間具有了不同凡響的詩學意義」。
呂瀚章 1988年出生於澳門的薩克管樂手。自6歲開始學習音樂,2007年時,在澳門文化局獎學金資助下,於荷蘭海牙皇家音樂學院修讀學士及碩士課程。回澳後,他致力於音樂教育,並舉辦多場個人及重奏音樂會。2016年獲文化局邀請,成為首批於澳門國際音樂節中作獨奏演出的本地青年音樂家。 福島章嗣 來自日本福岡,現定居於澳門。自小受母親影響學習鋼琴,同時亦擅長結他、低音結他及鼓。現以演奏電子音樂、現代古典音樂、創作舞台劇音樂、映像音樂等個人音樂發展。2017年,在澳門音樂廠牌4daz-le Records出版了首張個人唱片《Monologue EP》,當中收錄了6首作品。此外,亦於2017年起於馬來西亞音樂廠牌mü-nest出版了多首音樂作品。2020年,為韓國音樂人Dae Kim一曲“Ethereal Cosmos”(虛無宇宙)製作的Remix混音版本,被選用作台灣“金馬影展”的預告片配樂。 吳家煒 澳門本地實驗音樂人,主力氛圍/實驗音樂,嘗試以噪音、環境聲音等,組成新的sound experience 。澳門實驗組織Guia Experimental 幹部成員,曾參與本地及海內外音樂活動,包括跟隨澳門團隊-Made in Macau以現場配樂身份參與日本TPAM (Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama)、澳門Guia Experimental Guia Fest!、All Those Friendy People 現場配樂等等。 陳倩 澳門青年鋼琴家,澳門樂團2021年度特邀藝術家,師從黃懿倫教授。澳門文化局、香港演藝學院、英國皇家音樂學院和李云迪青年音樂比賽獎學金的獲得者,以優異的成績畢業於香港演藝學院,並於英國皇家音樂學院跟隨Colin Stone教授修讀鋼琴演奏碩士。她曾在澳門及眾多國際鋼琴比賽中婁獲殊榮,包括倫敦國際音樂大獎賽及巴黎國際音樂大獎賽的冠軍得主;河內國際鋼琴比賽中晉身決賽並獲得了觀眾大獎等。她出生並成長於一個音樂世家,她的音樂才華在幼時已展現出來,與澳門樂團至今合作不斷,她曾在英國,澳門,香港,廣州舉辦獨奏音樂會,與各地樂團合作,亦曾擔任澳門國際音樂節,澳門青年樂團音樂節,駐港-德國大使館特邀的表演嘉賓。 |
Un Sio San Poet and writer. Un attained dual Bachelor’s degrees from Peking University in Chinese and Literature and Art, as well as dual Master’s degrees in East Asian Studies and Asia-Pacific Studies from the University of Toronto. She had been a poet-in-residence with The Arctic Circle Residency Programme and the Vermont Studio Center. Director of the documentary Murmur of Icebergs, and librettist of the first local chamber opera A Fragrant Dream. Award winner of The China Times Literature Awards (Taiwan), the inaugural New Star – People’s Literature Prize of Poetry (China), the Henry Luce Foundation Chinese Poetry Award (U.S.A.), Macao Literary Award, and many more. She has been fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration between poetry and other genres of art. Published works include Evolution of Love, Wonderland, Exile in the Blossom Time, Boisterous Islands, etc. She’s highly praised by critics for ‘attaching extraordinary poetic significance to space’.
Hugo Loi Saxophonist born in Macao in 1988. Hugo started learning music since 6-year-old. With the Macao Cultural Affairs Bureau (ICM) scholarship, he concluded his Bachelor and Master degrees at the famous Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, The Netherlands, in 2007. Upon returning to Macao, Hugo has been devoted to music education and performing at solo and ensemble concerts. He was among the first batch of local young musicians who delivered solo performance at the inaugural Macao International Music Festival (2016) as per the invitation by the ICM. Akitsugu Fukushima (aka Aki) Aki comes from Fukuoka, Japan and is now based in Macao. Under the influence of his mother, he started learning piano at a young age, and is good at guitar, bass guitar and drums. He is working in diverse scopes of music, including electronic, contemporary classics, theatrical, video, etc. In 2017, he released his debut solo work, Monologue EP (4daz-le record, Macau), which contains six tracks; he has been releasing various pieces of work with the Kuala Lumpur-based indie music label mü-nest. In 2020, his remix for Korean musician Dae Kim’s Ethereal Cosmos was chosen as the scores of the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival’s trailer. Ng Ka Wai Indie experimental musician. Specialised in ambient/experimental music, Ng explores new sound experience with noise and background sound. He is an official member of Guia Experimental and has joined local and overseas musical activities, including playing live scores with indie group Made in Macau at the TPAM (Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama), Guia Experimental Guia Fest!, All Those Friendy People, etc. Vincci Chan Local young pianist born in a music family, her musical talents could be seen at a young age. Featured Artist of the Macao Orchestra of year 2021. Vincci has been under the tutelage of Professor Eleanor Wong at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) – where she graduated with honour – and Professor Colin Stone at The Royal Academy of Music (RAM) – where she pursued a Master’s degree in Performance. She has received scholarships from Macao Cultural Affairs Bureau, the HKAPA, the RAM, and also Yundi Lee Youth Musician Competition. Award winners of multiple local and international piano contests, including London International Music Competition, The International Music Competition Paris, Vietnam International Music Competition at Hanoi. She has delivered solo concerts in the UK, Macao, Hong Kong and Guangzhou, worked with orchestras of different places, and served as special performer for the Macao International Music Festival, the Macao YSO Music Festival, and German Consulate General Hong Kong. |