澳門無伴奏重唱組合,其音樂風格多樣,致力開拓無伴奏音樂的可能性。曾獲 2016 Vocal Asia Festival -亞洲盃阿卡貝拉大賽「評審特別奬」與阿卡中國北京2016年蜂巢奬”年度新銳樂團提名。連續三年參與澳門藝術節,演出包括《百藝看館》、音樂劇場《異色童話》、《亂世童話》,澳門國際音樂節《處處有音樂》。
雷諾文 Loi Nok Man 創作人/演出者
Water Singers 創團成員。獲優秀畢業生殊榮,畢業於澳門理工學院主修鋼琴表演專業,2016年以優異成績取得英國皇家音樂學院鋼琴演奏高級文憑 (LRSM)。遊走於音樂和戲劇之間,曾到武漢、北京、成都、深圳、合肥等地演出,活躍於與不同類型的音樂演出及擔任現場伴奏,包括: 《澳門優秀青年鋼琴教師鋼琴演奏會》、《鬼馬音樂狂想曲之古典音樂笑賞會3》、開箱作業《One night in Macao》等。
楊斯佳 Jason Young 創作人/演出者
Water Singers 創團成員。以第一名的成績入讀澳門理工學院音樂課程,主修鋼琴與長笛,多次以第一長笛身份參與澳門樂團《未來的希望》音樂會,曾到武漢,成都,合肥,台灣等地交流演出,在2016年4月完成個人長笛畢業音樂會。亦活躍於不同類型的音樂演出,包括有:《鬼馬音樂狂想曲之古典音樂笑賞會3》、《亂世童話》、《異色童話》、《處處有音樂》等。
林詩涵 Lin Shi Han 創作人/演出者
畢業于澳門理工學院藝術高等院校音樂課程,連續四年入選亞太青年合唱團,隨團在美國、義大利、韓國、北京演出並擔任領唱,榮獲國際合唱聯盟頒發”傑出表現獎”。曾參演《我要高8度》(Sing High!)、《亂世童話》、《異色童話》,擔任《嘩嘩媽狂想曲》、《遷移者之歌》聲樂指導,參與《小孩俠》、《音感》的音樂製作。亦是本地無伴奏合唱組合Water Singers的創團成員,團隊獲得2016 Vocal Asia 亞洲盃阿卡貝拉大賽“評審特別獎”。
李倩焮 Lei Sin Ian 創作人/演出者
出生於澳門,畢業於澳門理工學院音樂課程音樂教育專業,副修鋼琴和聲樂,師從Mr Robert Sipos-Ori及王曦老師。與同學組成無伴奏合唱組合Water Singers,曾多次參與學院舉辦的學生音樂會及學院開放日演出,並作為學院代表到武漢及成都進行交流。並曾參與澳門國際音樂節《處處有音樂》、澳門藝術節《異色童話》和《亂世童話》繪本音樂劇場等演出。
The sound-triggered fudge and roam. The fudge and roam are triggered by sound. What do you hear, what do you see? Di…Dong…Dong… New puzzles appear along with the picturesque As if we were in the maze of sound. When the music notes are transformed to the contacts of perception The empty space in congested cities, The journey in your mind It brings the answers of the riddles It brings the questions of the riddles
Creators/ Performers: Loi Nok Man, Lin Shi Han, Jason Young, Lei Sin Ia Sound Engineer: Chan Ming Kin Crews: Ines Kuan, Mak Chi Fai, Lam Ka I, Ieong Sin Hang, Cheong Chi Hin Video Filming: Leong Chi Hang Photographer: Felix Januário Vong Art Work: Valley of Limbo
Preface/Water Singers
We have been thinking, at the beginning, whether Picturesque is an individual production or an extended idea from last year project. Today, we all believe that Picturesque is an attempt based on what we have achieved in last year. It was a complete work. Only now we have opportunity to represent it in different ways. We want to push ourselves out of our comfort zone and have been trying to find the way to the balance of reaching our original goal and having new experiment in the past year. For that, we have many meals together and find afternoon tea gatherings were the most useful.
The different art forms as dance, drama, poetry and painting construct our further understanding and imagination dimension of Picturesque. Therefore, this time we maximize the performance level and imagination in music. Which delivers more complex feelings we have been going through in one year.
Picturesque is a wonderful journey starting from a painting. Engaging visual art work in this production is one of our new attempt to realize the fantasy in our heads. Valley of Limbo completely expresses, even transcends, our three-dimensional vision of music.
Last but not the least, we would like to thank all the friends who help us all the way. Water Singers are very blessed to have your love and support. Most of all, thank you to be here with us now.
And at the very last, we would like to say: we create for having a performance; we perform for having an after party. Hope we have great shows so we could have great fun at after party!
Profile of the Main Cast
Water Singers
Water Singers is a acapella group based in Macau. Its music style varies and it dedicates to explore the possibilities of acapella music. It has won ‘Jury’s Choice’ at Vocal Asia Festival 2016, and being nominated for ‘Best New Group’ at Beehive Awards 2016. It has been invited to Macao Arts Festival for three years in a roll and presented Performing Arts Gala, The Bizarre Fairy Tales, The Fairy Tales from the World of Chaos, and Music All Around.
Loi Nok Man Performer
Loi Nok Man, a founding member of Water Singers, graduated from Instituto Politécnico de Macau and majored in piano performance. Loi received the Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter (LRSM) from Royal Academy of Music in 2016. Loi plays in different both music and drama productions in Wuhan, Beijing, Chengdu, Shenzhen, and Hefei in Macau Excellent Young Piano Teacher Concert, Hanky-Panky Rhapsody III, and One night in Macao.
Jason Young Performer
Jason Young, founding member of Water Singers, graduated from Instituto Politécnico de Macau and majored in piano and flute performance. He performed as Principle Flute in the concert The Future of Classical Music and did exchange performances in Wuhan, Chengdu, Hefei and Taiwan. Jason was also active in different style of music in Hanky-Panky Rhapsody III, The Fairy Tales from the World of Chaos, The Bizarre Fairy Tales, and Music All Around.
Lin Shi Han Performer
Lin, founding member of Water Singers, graduated from School of Arts, Instituto Politécnico de Macau. She has been chosen to Asia Pacific Youth Choir as leading vocal and performed in the United States of America, Italy, Korea, and Beijing. Recent works: Sing High!, The Fairy Tales from the World of Chaos, The Bizarre Fairy Tales, Songs of Migrants, The Kidult Man.
Lei Sin Ian Performer
Lei Sin Ian was born in Macau and graduated from School of Arts, Instituto Politécnico de Macau. She majored in music education and minored in piano and vocal music. Lei studied with Mr. Robert Sipos-Ori and Ms. Wang Xi. She is one of the founding members of Water Singers and had many concerts in student concerts and school open days, also in Wuhan and Chengdu. Recent works: Music All Around,The Bizarre Fairy Tales, and The Fairy Tales from the World of Chaos.
Chan Ming Kin Music engineer
Chang Min Kin had received grant to proceed academic visits to Japan and Beijing. After graduating from the acoustic design and music recording in The Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, he engages in many sound design and audio production work. He won the Best Acoustic Designer at 16th Hong Kong Drama Award by Empty. Chang is based in Macau now. Recent works: Departures, The Nether, and Metamorphosis under Starry Night.