香港大學建築系文學士。09 年獲助學金到耶魯大學修讀舞台設計碩士課程,於10年獲頒 The Donald and Zorka Oenslager Scholarship in Stage Design。校內參與作品包括《Eclipsed》, 《Orlando》, 《慾望號街車》 等 。回港後舞台設計作品包括影畫戲《我的50尺豪華生活》(第二十四屆香港舞台劇最佳舞台設計獎、第七屆小劇場獎最佳舞台效果)、《盛宴》、《看著你》、西九龍文化區《另一個人》、眾聲喧嘩《Woyzeck 浮城噪響》等。 現為自由身劇場創作人及香港兆基創意書院空間研習課程兼職導師。 劇場創作單位37°C核心成員及坪輋壁畫村發起人之一。
In this abnormal world, let’s break the walls with sound Which reverberates at the field of love and battles.
“I am the Woyzeck who shaves Captain; You are the Woyzeck, the test subject; He is the Woyzeck who kills his lover; Who is the oppressed and who is oppressing? If everyone was Woyzeck?”
Extended from Woyzeck in 2013, Heteroglossia presents Georg Büchner’s Woyzeck from the point of sound this year. It adapts foley techniques of film business at theatre and makes foley artists stage performers along with actors and dancers. Sound is another instrument to convey and interpreter main character’s inner world.
Producer/Sound Design/Performer: LEUNG PO WING Director/Text Adaptor: FONG KI TUEN Choreographer/ Performer: NG MEI YEE Space Design: WIKI LO WAN KI Sound Operator: ANDY HU
Profile of the Main Cast
Leong Po Wing Producer/Sound Designer/Performer
Leung is the core member of Heteroglossia.
方褀端Fong Ki Tuen Director/Text Adaptor
Fong finished his Master’s Program in Performing Arts Course, 2012, in National Taiwan University of Arts in Taiwan. He majored in interdisciplinary performance, cross culture theatre and theatre aesthetics. Fong founded Heteroglossia in 2013 and has been the core member since then.
Ng Mei-Yee Performer
Ng, a Hong Kong born artist, received her BA (Hons) Degree in Dance from Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, 2014. She is currently a freelance artist which allows her working with different groups as a dancer, choreographer, actor and teacher in various projects.
Wiki Lo Space Design
Lo, BA (AS) in Architecture from the The University of Hong Kong, was granted to study the master program of stage design in Yale University in 2009; and received The Donald and Zorka Oenslager Scholarship in Stage Design in 2010. After coming back to Hong Kong, her stage works won the Best Stage Design in the 24th Hong Kong Drama Award and the 7th The Hong Kong Theatre Libre. She now is a freelance theatre designer and teacher at HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity.
Cheng Hoi-Man Costume Design
Cheng graduated from Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, 2016, majored in set and costume design. Apart from stage production, she also works in community oral history theatre project as costume designer.
Andy Hu Audio Manager
Hu is a freelance sound engineer. He worked in in Cirque du Soleil and many big pop concerts as sound control, also participated in many musicals as sound engineer.