In the summertime, a group of people with burning heart gathering in a corner of Macao, ready to pass on their passion and love for music, fashion and food with you! You may find the following brands in the market: EMMORAL STORE (independent label), HERI-TAGE VINTAGE (Japanese vintage),
ASS PROJECT (fashion), TROPICALBABY (Cornrows), Thai Hey (Vegetarian Food), BETTERKENDAMA (Kendama), MID AGE OF DAWN (skateboard), Flu55er (fashion)...... |
8JAN 15:00-21:00
9JAN 15:00-21:00 |
The St. Lazarus District | Free Admission
劇本:李美欣 編曲:梁仁昭、李美欣 《歸土》是一個原創的民樂小劇場。此劇以廣東珠江三角洲一帶的民間音樂(南音、廣東音樂、澳門音樂)作為載體,用現代民樂演奏者的角度出發,重新思考民樂的「根」和「源」,透過此劇從而講出一個屬於我們的澳門故事。 |
Storytelling with Folk Music: ‘Regain’
Script: Lei Mei Ian; Music: Leong Ian Chio, Lei Mei Ian Regain is an original folk music theatre production. Folk music of the Guangdong Pearl River Delta (Naamyam, Guangdong music, and Macao music) is interpreted by modern folk musicians in the hope of rethinking the ‘root’ and ‘origin’ of this genre, and telling our very own Macao story. |
9 JAN11:15-11:45
9 JAN19:30-20:00 |
M mode 主舞台 | PWYW
M mode Main Stage | PWYW
每年BOK Festival在演出/活動後舉行BOK Club,讓創作人、劇場工作者及觀眾們進行交流,觀眾能藉此機會對作品有更深層的理解,同時亦為創作者帶來養份,另一方面亦作為業界人士的一個交流及網絡平台。
Every year after the shows, the BOK Club will be organised as a meeting point, through which the audiences may apprehend the works better, the creators may get feedback and inspiration, and offers the theatre practitioners an opportunity of networking.
9 Jan
20:00 |
M Mode 主舞台 | 免費入場
M Mode Main Stage | Free Admission
BOK Festival今次以音樂節目為主打,為貼近社區街坊生活,我們特邀本地實驗音樂人吳家煒 Ng Ka Wai 來創造電子互動麻將裝置,歡迎所有街坊來體驗不一樣的「上!碰!食!」。
This year, the BOK Festival is themed on music. To get closer to the neighbourhood, local experimental musician Ng Ka Wai is invited to create an electronic interactive mah-jong installation. All community dwellers are welcomed to try the extraordinary way of playing!
8 JAN 15:00-18:00
9 JAN 15:00-18:00 |
集貨 | 免費入場
Collectore | Free Admission
Go deep into the district with local urban planner Lam Iek Chit, you will get to know the modern urban planning of Macao in early years, learn about stories of street names and St. Roch (a patron saint of plague victims), and many other hidden gems!
19:00-20:30 |
望德聖母堂集合 | $100
St. Lazarus Church | $100
井井三一快閃主題書攤,集合大本小本賞心悦目、最美的圖像書。 你最喜歡的日本繪本、英文設計藝術書都在這裡。 約定大家1月8、9日來井尋寶! |
Júbilo 31 Books' pop-up theme bookstall, we collection the most beautiful image books to show you.
Your favorite Japanese picture books and English design art books are all here, To hunt for treasure on January 8th and 9th! |
8 Jan & 9 Jan
13:30-19:30 |
井井三一繪本書屋 | 免費入場
Júbilo 31 Books | Free Admission
本地啤酒品牌Lazaro Brew的創辦人Pedro Almeida將會主理是次葡國手工啤酒工作坊及試飲環節。 手工啤酒工作坊、試飲及晚餐! (英語進行) 7pm 工作坊及試飲
8pm 晚餐 (4款葡式小點 & 1杯啤酒) |
Local Portuguese Craft beer workshop and tasting by Lazaro Brew. Instructor Pedro Almeida. Craft Beer Workshop, Beer Tasting & Dinner Time! (English instruction)
7pm workshop (1 hour w/ tasting) 8pm Dinner (4 Petiscos + 1 Beer) |
8 JAN 19:00-21:00
3 Sardines | $398
3 Sardines | $398
A Sunday morning outdoor yoga workshop, together we slow down, inhale hope, exhale nerves. To embrace our body and mind on yoga mats; To relax and enjoy the tranquil under sound of sining bowl; To celebrate a brand new year with mulled wine. Join our Hope & Love Chakra Yoga Party to kick off 2022 with sining bowl and mulled wine!
8 Jan
9:30-11:00 |
婆仔屋文創空間 | $150
Albergue SCM | $150
一間集思廣益,思考社區未來的敍事咖啡廳 – Café ODYSSEY!
當我們都在社交媒體建立人際網絡的時代— 社區裡,人際間的連結怎樣才算恰到好處?當我們的交流空間漸漸搬到室內-- 社區裡,有限的戶外空間還有甚麼樣的發展可能? 當我們的在地城市文化,逐步在全球化趨勢下被同化—社區裡,還有什麼會讓我們懷念的、尋覓的、盼望的? 1月9日,邀請您!用咖啡、遊歷、故事,一起探索對「戶外空間 X 社群」的新想法! |
Café ODYSSEY - A café for communal brainstorming and thinking about the future.
Nowadays, we are building interpersonal network on social media. In the community, what is the just-right connection with others? While we are shifting indoor for meetings and gathering, does the limited outdoor space in the community still have a chance of development? Under the context of globalisation, our local culture is becoming assimilated. Is there anything in the community that we are gonna miss and seek? On 8 Jan, come have a discussion on the topic ‘Outdoor Space X Community’. Coffee, travelling, and stories are ready for you! |
咖啡車 Coffee Cart
9 JAN 15:00-17:00 |
延伸講座 After Talk
9 JAN 17:00-18:00 |
Albergue SCM|PWYW |
21:30-23:00 |
Screwin | $220
Screwin | $220
23:30-02:30 |
Screwin | PWYW
Screwin | PWYW